Thursday, February 9, 2012

Queen Elizabeth Photo - First As Queen, Never Seen

I had to post this! This was the first photo taken after the Princess Elizabeth became queen at 25 after her father, King George VI's death in 1952. The sitting was commissioned by the queen from photographer Kenneth Clayton, a BBC photographer. He has just released some of the photo shoot in honour of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee.  Wonderful photos and a letter from the Queen.
The article in The Mail Online can be seen at this link.

 Revealed for the first time in 60 years: First pictures of Elizabeth as Queen unveiled among family portraits taken after the death of her father King George

1 comment:

  1. Interesting. Her pose seems 'old fashion?' I'm not sure what word to use - it's like someone looked around at a lot of old paintings and said "This is how you should be seen, now that you are queen." Does that make sense? It doesn't look like other pictures of her.
    Thanks for the bit of history, very interesting.
