Sunday, February 12, 2012

Letters Surface About Wallis Simpson And King Edward VIII

I wanted to share this video from CBS news that is tied to Madonna's new movie WE for Wallis and Edward, King Edward VIII and divorcee Wallis Simpson, whom he abdicated the throne of England to marry. The videa includes info about a new book with exerpts of letters the author recently found by Wallis to her ex husband. I found it very interesting and wanted to pass it on.

If Edward had not abdicared to marry Wallis, King George VI, father of Queen Elizabeth would not have been king and therefore no Prince William in the lineup down the road. England also may well have caved to Hitler, as Edward was a know Nazi sympathizer.

As Noel Coward said "There should be a statue of Wallis Simpson in every English village for saving the nation in time of war".

The video below starts with a commercial of course....sigh....



  1. Haha got a kick out of that highway sign that said 45 miles to Columbus!

    I LIVE about 20 miles from Columbus!

    I didn't Ohio was the first state to put up kilometer highway signs, That's interesting to me.

    The video feed died early, so I couldn't finish watching. will try again later, looks to be very interesting about Wallis Simpson.

  2. I saw the metric system clip. I'll have to check out the WE film. My favorite film regarding this bit of history is "Bertie and Elizabeth" - telling the story from Prince Albert & Princess Elizabeth's point of view. Until I saw that I always thought of Duke & Duchess of Windsor as the great love story. Seeing it from the point of view of those who stayed and did the work was eye opening for me. Happy Valentine's Day.
