Wednesday, September 29, 2010

English Codd Bottles Time Was Antiques

This is too cool! Bottlemania! I just got to the last 2 Codd bottles I got in England awhile ago and have been packed away. Now come on, betcha don't know what a Codd bottle is, do you??? I didn't until I came across a lot of them at a church fete in Gloucester, England and bought the lot. And if you don't think I was glad I got them over to the US before baggage restrictions got so tight...they weigh quite a bit!

History lesson....Codd bottles were made to hold a fizzy liquid with a glass marble as a stopper, hence the pinch in the neck. This is an antique green glass Codd mineral water bottle with it's original clear glass marble stopper inside made 1880-1890s in England. This bottle is marked on the front with raised letters:  W. Button High Class Mineral Water Works Lee & Kent. The back reads: Patent Safety Groove, Dan Rylands Barnsley England. The bottle is in a form called the Codd soda bottle named after the man who invented the shape in 1873. The bottle held a fizzy liquid and the marble was the stopper. The bottle is 9.25 inches high by 2.5 inches in diameter and has the pinched shape needed to keep the marble from going to the bottom or blocking the pour.

So many of these were broken to get the marble out I'm surprised any survived intact!  My DH who is a Brit said that a lot of time as a boy was spent breaking them if found to get those marbles out. Sigh... you know! Great item for trivia.

You can see more photos at Time Was Antiques at the clickable link below to the bottle...we actually have 2 different ones, the last of my lot from Gloucester in the shop at the moment.
 Codd Bottle With Marble Button High Class Mineral Works

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