Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Hand Painted Pine Cone Butter Pat, Teabag Holder

I wanted to share this little hand painted porcelain dish. This is a butter pat and can be used as a teabag holder (because I have a lot of items for tea drinkers) and I think it's so cute. The butter pat was made by Wiesley China which was a part of Weissman Brothers, a US china firm that closed in 1957. They employed artists to hand paint their items, and this Pine Cones design was painted and signed by Barry. Don't know his last name, but they are cute! I also have 2 with a Dogwood Berries design that Barry did as well.
Ya gotta have a place for a tea infuser or teabag....no go for dumping it on the table. Besides, in a dish you may want to use it again for a second cup!
You can see this and others at Time Was Antiques. I have lots of teabag holders or caddies and quite a few butter pats which I tend to multi purpose around the house.
Hope all your gardens are springing with flowers and you didn't have too much rain on your Easter egg hunts. We were wet and windy. All our tulip leaves were flattened. But they have perked up today...just in time for another round of wind and rain tomorrow. As the weatherman said before our last storm came in last Fri. "You'll wake up tomorrow and think it's November again!". Hope it's nice in your area.
We went to the nursery today and picked up heather and ajuga to plant in a bare patch in the front garden, but as it's raining, we'll postpone until tomorrow. The arborist was across the street cleaning up the downed pine branches from the last storm. Hope it passes us by this time.

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